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Version: V2


The Screener module is a tool that filters & sorts tradng pairs by certain criteria (price change, funding rate)

  • By default it sorts trading pairs by largest price increase in last 24h.

Activating the Screener module

Screener Settings
  • You can enable the Screener module under the Modules tab in your Trade Settings configuration window.

Remember to unlock your layout to be able to move the module around.

Using the Screener module

Screener 2
  • You can favorite your individual favorite pairs and they will show up under the pinned tab.
Screener Mod Rel

The mod toggle button will show the best and worst performing pairs. When switched to Rel it will show the best performing pairs sorted by descending.


In the Beta tab of the Terminal Settings page you can enable the Enable Kline Popover Charts so that when you mouse-over a symbol in the screener a chart will pop up letting you preview the price action of the pair.