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Version: V2

Position History

Position History Module

Position History module is a type of journaling tool that helps you to keep track of your trades and positions as well as trading fee's. It is a great way to keep track of your trading performance and to review your trades at a later date.

Pos History

Enabling Position History

Pos History Settings
  • You can enable the Position History module under the Modules tab in your Trade Settings configuration window.

Remember to unlock your layout to be able to move the module around.

Using the Position History Module

Pos History Usage
  • You can click the Plus (+) symbol next to your trades to pull up a snapshot of the chart at the time of your trade, which will show entries and positions.
  • In the PnL Category you can click the pop-out button to bring up a PnL card.

Not every exchange provides the data needed to calculate the position history. If you are using an exchange that does not provide this data, you will not be able to use this module for the time being.