
Connecting CoinCatch to Tealstreet
Log into your Tealstreet account.
Once you have successfully logged into Tealstreet, navigate to the terminal options by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the terminal.

- Choose CoinCatch from the dropdown menu.

- Keep this window open as we will come back to it later.
Creating the key
Now we are ready to generate the API Key. Head on over to CoinCatch and:
- Login or create you're account if you haven't already.
Once you have logged in select the profile dropdown at the top right of the page.

- Once you are logged in navigate to the API Management section of the profile dropdown.

You can get to this page directly by navigating to this link
Click the Create New Api button at the top right of the API Management page.

If you have not yet enabled 2FA on your account you will be prompted to do so. Follow the instructions provided by CoinCatch to enable 2FA.

If you have enabled 2FA when you click Create New Api you will see the Create new API Key window.

- Name you're key, this can be whatever you want.
- Create a Passphrase for your key.
- Keep this information handy as you will need it to link your CoinCatch account to Tealstreet later.
- Ensure the Read-only and Trade permissions are enabled.
- Do NOT enable the Transfer and Withdraw permissions.
- Bring back the Tealstreet window we left open earlier and copy the IP's we need by clicking the clipboard button.

- Scroll down the API Creation window.
- You will also need to get a code sent to you're email, as well as your 2FA code.

- Click Next when finished inputting the required information.

If everything was correct you will see the Create Succeeded window. Copy down your Access APIKey and SecretKey as we will need this information later and click the Confirm button.
Now that we have the Passphrase, the API Key and the API Secret we can proceed back to the Tealstreet terminal.
Connecting the key to Tealstreet
Now back to where we left the Tealstreet API page:

- Proceed to fill out the form with the information you got when you created the API on the CoinCatch API page.
- Give the key a name, this can be anything you want.
- Choose the color you want your API to be in the terminal.
- Provide the API Key CoinCatch showed you when you created the key.
- Provide the API Secret CoinCatch showed you when you created the key.
- Provide the Passphrase you used when creating your API Key.
- Click the Add button.
Never share your API Keys with anyone. Tealstreet team members will never ask you what your API key is.
Be sure to double check you do not confuse API Key and API Secret. Connecting your CoinCatch exchange account to Tealstreet will not work if these fields are not entered correctly.
If all the details are correct, you will have successfully linked your CoinCatch account to Tealstreet.
- Close options and navigate to the Main Trading page of the Tealstreet terminal and select the CoinCatch account you just linked to enable it.
- If properly linked, you will see your balance appear in the Margin window of Tealstreet. Happy trading!!!
In order to trade futures you need to make sure you deposit funds into the USDT-M futures wallet. By default funds may transfer into the spot account so they need to be transferred to the correct wallet.